The fall of Minneapolis:


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Pierre Kory was the expert witness in the George Floyd case. Something isn't adding up.


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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Thanks for those links. I checked them out. I watched the latter part of the second link showing the George Floyd incident and the riot that followed. It looks like the first link covers the same thing. And I heard JJ comment that social media etc are being used as tools to manipulate the public into doing violence like the Minneapolis riot.

The clips that JJ played don't show that a camera crew was staging the whole thing, like Mathis and the Bitchute commentators seemed to be saying.

What's your conclusion? Is there evidence that George Floyd died? JJ's clips showed that the name George Floyd was apparently officially said to be an alias. And it seems that the coroner's statement is in doubt. JJ didn't discuss the Chauvin trial, so I'm still inclined to think that Mathis is right, that the whole thing was staged, although it looks like the cops may not have realized that it was all staged. Floyd may have been acting, although he's supposedly shown having been in an earlier similar incident in which he behaved very similarly, according to claimed body cam footage. I imagine that could have been faked too, but I'm not jumping to conclusions.

PS, I watch JJ's videos occasionally, but they're usually too long and not informative enough to seem worth watching too much.

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